Wednesday 28 November 2012

Celebrating Sweet Sue's Fabulous Fiftieth

[Sue is Headway Southampton's Finance and Admin Manager and so much more, without her we would all be lost - literally!]

Sue's the grand old age of fifty,
No wonder she's looking so shifty.
But she's not yet over the hill
like poor old Jack and Jill.

She sits in her office counting Headway's money,
her auburn hair flows down like honey.
She lets us in and out, a smile across her face,
like Sunday's child, she's full of grace.

Peter puts the kettle on, Sue can take it off again.
For falls and a broken head
She's better than all the king's men,
as in Humpty's rhyme it's said.

So thank you, Sue, lavender blue, for the caramel bite,
We hope so many candles didn't set your house alight.

Biscuit: 20 Caramel Crispy Bites (we only had 18, 2 had already been eaten)
Taste test: 7 out of 10
Cost: £1.70 from Tesco (left over from Sue's party)


  1. Fantastic poem!!! Our ode to Sue Happy birthday!!

  2. Happy Birthday Sue, you sweet, little tasty morsel.


Please tell us what you think about our poems and the biscuits